Safe Driving Tips for New Drivers: Teen Driver Safety Week
It’s Teen Driver Safety Week, and at Farm Bureau Insurance of Tennessee, we believe in having open conversations about safety no matter your level of driving experience. Those conversations are especially important for new drivers, including teens. While learning to drive can be an exciting time in any young person’s life, it’s also something that comes with many risks, even for the safest drivers. Sadly, over 2,500 teens ages 15-18 die from car accidents per year.
We are committed to helping our customers and communities keep teens as safe as possible while celebrating the newfound freedom of driving. To get the conversation started with your teenager about driving safety, Farm Bureau Insurance agent Reid Jones shared some top safety tips to talk about together:
Think two steps ahead, so you can be prepared. For example, make sure you leave enough space between your car and the car in front of you that you have time to break if the other car suddenly slows down.
Put down your phone. Distracted driving is extremely dangerous – and it’s against the law to text while driving.
Look out for deer and other wildlife, especially during the fall. Keeping an eye out for wildlife can help prevent accidents.
Drive the speed limit. Speed limits are set for your safety, and it’s the law to follow them.
Continue your driver’s education with the Farm Bureau Insurance of Tennessee First Mile program! Your first miles behind the wheel are considered the most dangerous, and insurance premiums reflect that risk. But our program can help you drive more safely – and it helps your family save on auto insurance.
While safety is often top-of-mind for parents as their teens reach driving age, auto insurance is another important factor to consider. You can save up to 10% on your teen’s auto insurance if they complete just five online steps and meet the qualifications for the discount!
To get your teen started the First Mile program, schedule a meeting with your Farm Bureau Insurance agent.